for the
History & Industry
website section

Copyright 2004 by R. Harris

NOTE:   This bibliography is almost exclusively limited to detailing books instrumental in the preparation of the articles on this website. Books with asterisks (*) are listed in more than one category, because of their exceptional contribution. This list does not detail the many primary sources (direct contact with people, companies and aircraft), nor over 2,000 periodical articles and other documents reviewed by the author in the last decade, which have contributed to (or validated) information presented in this website. For a more detailed list of sources, contact the author of this website.

TOPIC  CATEGORIES  (details below):
·        ALMANACS

                and specifically:
(Longren, Laird, Swallow, Travel Air, Stearman, Cessna, Beech, Culver, Mooney, Rearwin, Funk, Porterfield, Nicholas-Beazley, Great Lakes, Luscombe, Alon, Helio, Aero Commander, Commander, Bede, RANS, Seibel Helicopter, Bombardier/Learjet, & major factories of Boeing, North American, Consolidated, Piper, etc.)
·        CESSNA
·        PIPER
·        MOONEY
                and specifically:
·        WORLD WAR II
·        SPACE



(For wars, see special category, MILITARY, below.)

    Bureau of the Census, U.S. Gov't., Historical Statistics of the United States, 1789-1945:  A supplement to the Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1949, GPO, Washington D.C. (with errata notes)

    Commager, Henry Steele & Allan Nevins, ed., The Heritage of America, 1951, Little, Brown, Boston

    Drucker, Peter, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 1985, Harper & Row, NY

    Flowers, Charles, A Science Odyssey: 100 Years of Discovery, 1998, WGBH Educational Foundation, Boston / Wm.Morrow, NY (history of 20th-Century science & technology)

    Newsweek, History of Our Times, Vol. 1, 1949, 1950 Funk & Wagnalls, NY

    New York Times, The New York Times Great Stories of the Century, 1999, Galahad, NY

    Norris, Floyd & Christine Bockelmann, The New York Times Century of Business, 2000, McGraw-Hill, NY (fwd. by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker)

    Sann, Paul, The Lawless Decade: A Pictorial History of a Great American Transition, 1957 (Roaring Twenties history)

    Terkel, Studs, Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression, 1986, Random House, NY

    also, for history, various issues of Smithsonian, American Heritage, Current History, and National Geographic, as well as the major news magazines.  also, American Demographics, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, the Economist, World Press Review, Orbis, & Foreign Affairs.

    and specifically:


    World Almanac, Commemorative Edition (1868, 1893, 1943, 1968 excerpts)

    World Almanac, 1936,'40,'42,'46,'55,'60,'64,'67,'69,'75. 1980-82,'85-'91,'93,'95-'97, 2000,'01,'03

    Information Please Almanac, 1981,'87,'91,'92,'97

    Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1993 & 1998

    Other almanacs for: 1969,'75,'76,'78,'83-87





Brown, Gregory N., & Mark J. Holt, The Turbine Pilot's Flight Manual, 2nd ed., Iowa State Press/Blackwell, 1995/2001

Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Data, AC#150/5325-5C, June 29, 1987, GPO, Washington, D.C.

________________________, Airman's Information Manual, reprinted by Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. (ASA), 2000, Newcastle WA.

________________________, Private Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Information, various editions, 1970-present, GPO, Washington, D.C.

________________________, Type Certificate Data Sheets, on file, online, for most U.S.-certificated civil aircraft.

Jeppesen-Sanderson, Inc., A&P Technician Airframe Textbook, 2002, Englewood, CO

___________________., A&P Technician Powerplant Textbook, 2002, Englewood, CO

___________________., Flight Engineer's Manual, 9th ed., 1978, Englewood, CO (includes partial aircraft manuals of major 1950's-1970's era airliners)

Loftin, Laurence K., Jr,  Quest for Performance : The Evolution of Modern Aircraft, NASA History Office publication, NASA SP-468, NASA Scientific & Technical Information Branch, Washington, D.C. 1985. (traces aircraft technical development since World War I), online at:

Talay, Theodore A., Introduction to the Aerodynamics of Flight, NASA Special Publication, NASA SP-367, published in 1975. (aerodynamics primer, with short history of flight, background, fluid flow, subsonic flow effects, transonic flow, supersonic flow, beyond the supersonic, performance, stability and control; appendices & bibliography. Full text is online (in HTML format) at

Weick, Fred with James R. Hansen, *From the Ground Up:  The Autobiography of An Aeronautical Engineer (Navy/NACA engineer; renowned propeller expert; introduced tricycle landing gear, modern cropdusters, key general aviation aircraft)

Whitford, Ray, (Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Swindon, UK) "Fundamentals of Fighter Design," 13-part series, published 1996-1998 in Air International

___________________________________________________________, "Fundamentals of Airliner Design," 20-part series, published 2001-2003 in Air International



Aviation Consumer magazine, Used Aircraft Guide, 1980

Business & Commercial AviationBuying Guide & Handbook, various annuals, 1983-1997

Downie, Julia, Kitplanes 2001 Annual Directory, Primedia, San Diego, CA & Harrisburg, PA

Ellis, James E., Buying and Owning Your Own Airplane, 2nd ed., 1991, Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IA (by widely experienced commercial general aviation pilot. Includes extensive analyses of most major general aviation aircraft in current use, including acquisition, operations, maintenance and ownership issues).

Ethell, Jeffrey, Used Aircraft Guide, 1979, Charles Scribners & Sons, NY

Flying Annual & Buyer's Guide, various annuals, 1965-1973  (industry's chief catalog and data analysis of current general aviation aircraft)

King, Jack L., Corporate Flying, 1979, Aviation Book Co., Glendale CA (author is former NACA-Langley engineer, combat pilot, test pilot and famed corporate pilot; co-founder Professional Pilot magazine), (book endorsed by head of General Aviation Mfr's. Ass'n, Special Programs director of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., former FAA Deputy Director and president of Flight Safety Foundation.)

and specifically:


(Longren, Laird, Swallow, Travel Air, Stearman, Cessna, Beech, Culver, Mooney, Rearwin, Funk, Porterfield, Nicholas-Beazley, Alon, Helio, Bede, Bombardier/Learjet, RANS, Luscombe, Aero Commander, Commander Aircraft, and major factories of Boeing, North American, Douglas, Consolidated, Piper, Piaggio, etc.)

Bissionette, Bruce:  The Wichita 4:   Cessna, Moellendick, Beech & Stearman, (from interviews with Matty Laird, Lloyd Stearman, Olive Ann Beech, Dwayne Wallace, Rawdon, Burnham, and other principals).

Phillips, Edward, H. Travel Air:  Wings over the Prairie, revised ed., Flying Books International, 1982/1994, Eagan MN (coverage of Laird/Swallow, Travel Air and early careers of Cessna, Stearman & Beech)

Quastler, I.E., Air Midwest: The First Twenty Years, 1985, Airline Press of California, San Diego (detailed history of America's 1st certificated commuter airline, eventually one of America's largest intermediate carriers, pioneering important general aviation airliners, incl. major aircraft of Cessna, Beech, Swearingen & Saab/Fairchild) (verified though my work at Air Midwest during these years).

Rowe, Frank J. & Miner, Craig. Borne on the South Wind: A Century of Kansas Aviation. Wichita Eagle & Beacon Publishing Co., Wichita. 1994  (comprehensive history of Kansas aircraft manufacturers and Kansas aviation)

Schamburger, Page and Joe Christy, *Command the Horizon: A Pictorial History of Aviation, 1968, Castle Books/A.S. Barnes & Co., NY,  (exceptionally thorough history of U.S. aviation from Civil War balloons to start of World War II, with vignettes written or dictated by pioneer aviators, and extraordinary collection of rare and historic photos; by two famed aviator/writers; exceptional coverage of general aviation history, and Wichita's companies in particular).

Taylor, Richard, I Love Kansas:  History Made, History Remembered, 2001, Leathers/Squire, Leawood, KS  (Includes definitive study of planes -- and person -- of Kansas' first aircraft manufacturer, Albin K. Longren, later V.Pres. of Cessna, whose designs included the first Alexander Eaglerock and first composite/monocoque aircraft;  Rev. Taylor is the acknowledged expert on Longren and his aircraft.)

Thomas, Stanley G. (forward by Ercoupe designer Fred Weick), *The Ercoupe, 1991, TAB/Aero (McGraw-Hill), NY  (Includes Alon Aircraft, Kansas manufacturer of Ercoupe/Aircoupe)

see also specific companies below:


Federal Aviation Agency,  (now "Administration"), Flight Standards Service, Basic Helicopter Handbook, AC61-13, GPO, Washington, D.C.

Gregory, Col. H.F., (director of U.S. Army's WWII helicopter-development program) The Helicopter: A Pictorial History, 1976, A.S. Barnes, NY

Gunston, Bill & John Batchelor, Helicopters, 1900-1960, 1977 Phoebus, London

Hirschberg, Michael J. and David K. Daley, U.S. and Russian Helicopter Development in the 20th Century, American Helicopter Society, International, 2000, Alexandria, VA  online at:  (detailed tertiary history, under the auspices of the AHS-International, by its magazine editor and an expert on U.S. and Russian rotorcraft.  Detailed business and technical history of most major manufacturers and their aircraft.)

Jeppesen-Sanderson, Inc., A&P Technician Airframe Textbook, Chap.1, Sec. C., "Fundamentals of Rotary Wing Aircraft," 2002, Englewood, CO

Leishman, J. Gordon, (Prof. of Aerospace Engineering, Univ. of Maryland), A History of Helicopter Flight, 2000, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD (with excerpts from author's book Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000, Cambridge, UK), online at (early global rotorcraft history and technical development; modern U.S., Russian and British developments, with summary histories of each country's major manufacturers and their aircraft).

Spenser, Jay P., Whirlybirds: A History of the U.S. Helicopter Pioneers, 1998,  University of Washington Press, Seattle (in-depth history of U.S. helicopter industry)

Vivian, E. Charles, A History of Aeronautics, originally published 1920, this is Project Gutenberg "e-text," Release #874 (April 1997). distributed by Professor Michael S. Hart through the Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie-Mellon University. Online at:

and many articles in Rotor & Wing, Rotor, Business & Commercial Aviation, Professional Pilot, Flying, AOPA Pilot, Private Pilot, Army Aviation, Air Force, and other periodicals.  Also see other categories, including: STEARMAN & BOEING (Piasecki became Boeing-Vertol), CESSNA (built record-breaking Seibel Skyhook helicopters; Seibel later key Bell engineer), and BEECH (built Bell helicopters).



Aerospace Information Handbook, Vol. III, USAF Aerospace Vehicles, AFP 190-33, 15 Dec 1968, U.S. Air Force, GPO

Air Force Ass'n & Air Force magazine, in cooperation with the USAF:  The Air Force Almanac (various years' issues, 1971-2003)

Anderton David A., History of the U.S. Air Force, reprint: ca.1988

Barron, John, MiG Pilot, 1980/198, Avon, NY

Chant, Christopher, Air Forces of the World, 1983, HarperCollins Publishers

Chinese War Machine, Salamander Books, distrib. by New English Library/Crescent, London; 1979 (technical miltary study of China)

Cockburn, Andrew, The Threat:  Inside the Soviet Military Machine, 1983, Random House, New York (the classic counter to the Pentagon view of the 1980s, generally vindicated subsequently by revelations and public discoveries in post-Soviet Russia)

Dunagin, James F., How to Make War:  a Comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare ("All the World's Weapons, Armed Forces & Tactics"), Updated Edition, Quill, NY, 1983 (classic summary and analysis of military technology, organization and practices)

Ethell, Jeffrey, "Wings of the Great War," Air & Space Smithsonian, Oct./Nov. 1991, Vol.6#4, p.60 (series of short first-person pilot reports on World War I aircraft, Allied and German, with historical background, by noted warbird expert/pilot)

________, Jeff Ethell's Pireps: AV-8B Harrier, Air & Space Smithsonian website, ca.1995

________, Jeff Ethell's Pireps: F-16 Falcon, Air & Space Smithsonian website, ca.1995

Flight International, "World Air Forces: What they Fly," (global census and report) 2002 and 2003, U.K.

Frawley, Gerard, International Directory of Military Aircraft, 1998/99, Aerospace Publications, Pty.Ltd., Fyshwick, Australia, 1998

Gervasi, Tom, Arsenal of Democracy II:   American Military Power in the 1980's and the Origins of the New Cold War,  Grove Press; October 1981 (scholarly analysis of all significant U.S. weapon systems in use, on order or in final development, and the global military environment for them.)

Gething, Michael J., Warsaw Pact Air Power in the 1980s:,   Arms & Armour Press, London, 1982   1981 (review of Soviet and Eastern European military aircraft of the 1980s)

Gunston, Bill, Military Aviation Library:  Modern United States Aircraft, 1985, Salamander, London/Chartwell, NY

__________, Air Commodore John F. Davis & Richard Humble, War Planes, 1945-1976, Salamander, 1975, London (global study)

Institute for Strategic Studies, The Strategic Balance, 1999, London

        and issues from various other years. (World's chief single-volume standard reference on armed forces and military arsenals.)

Lawson, Don, The United States in World War I, 1957, Abelard-Schuman, Ltd., London

__________, The United States in the Korean War, 1958, Abelard-Schuman, Ltd., London

LeMay, Gen. Curtiss E., USAAF/USAF (commander of most B-29's in World War II and Korean War; First SAC Commander; later Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force) and Bill Yenne, *Superfortress: The B-29 and American Air Power, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1988.

Mason, Herbert Molloy, Jr., The United States Air Force:   A Turbulent History, Mason/Charter, NY, 1976

Miller, Lt.Cmdr.H.B., USN, Navy Wings, revised ed., 1942, Dodd-Mead, NY (semi-official history of U.S. Naval Aviation)

Polman, Norman, U.S. Naval Institute:  The Ships & Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet, 13th ed., Naval Institute Press, 1965-1984, Annapolis, MD

Prados, John, The Soviet Estimate: U.S. Intelligence Analysis & American Strength, 1982, Dial, NY

Robinson, Anthony (foreward by Air Vice-Marshal Stewart Menaul, RAF), Air Forces of the World, 1980/1982, Orbis/Crescent, London/NY

U.S. Naval Historical Center, Kite Balloons to Airships:   the Navy's Lighter-than-Air Experience, monograph at U.S. Naval Historical Center website; many chapters covering U.S. Navy's lighter-than-air history. A series of PDF files, online at

U.S. Air Force, Air War - Vietnam:, Arno Press/New York Times, NY, 1978 (semi-official anecdotal history of U.S. military air operations during the Vietnam War)

Whitehouse, Arch, Years of the Sky Kings, (respected aviation history of WWI)

and specifically:




Aerospace Information Handbook, Vol. III, USAF Aerospace Vehicles, AFP 190-33, 15 Dec 1968, U.S. Air Force, GPO

Air Force Ass'n & Air Force magazine, in cooperation with the USAF:  Space Almanac (various years' issues, 1971-2003)

Bryan, C.D.B, National Air & Space Museum:  SPACE,   Smithsonian Institution, ca.1979

Emme, Eugene M. (NASA Historian), Aeronautics & Astronautics: An American Chronology of Science & Technology in the Exploration of Space, 1915-1960, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, 1961, GPO, Washington, D.C.

Garber, Stephen J., ed. Looking Backward, Looking Forward : Forty Years of U.S. Human Spaceflight Symposium, NASA report, NASA SP-2002-4107, published 2002, proceedings of conference organized by NASA History Office, at George Washington University, Washington, D.C. May 2001;  human spaceflight retrospective, the astronauts' spaceflight experience, and analysis of future of human spaceflight. Speakers included John Logsdon, Buzz Aldrin, Charles Murray, Neil de Grasse Tyson & Bill Shepherd. Online (PDF format) from NASA History Office web site, at

Larson, George C., Space Shuttle Special:   100 missions and counting;   special issue of Air & Space Smithsonian, Nov., 2000, NASM/Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Neal, Valerie, Cathleen S. Lewis & Frank H. Winter, Smithsonian Guides:  Spaceflight, National Air & Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1995, Ligature/McMillan, NY



Hund-Milne, Susan, ed., Spotlight on Wichita, '95-'96, Advanced Publishing, Wichita, KS

Miner, Prof. Craig,  Wichita:  the Magic City, 1988, Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Assn., Wichita, KS

Rowe, Frank J. & Miner, Craig. Borne on the South Wind: A Century of Kansas Aviation. Wichita Eagle & Beacon Publishing Co., Wichita . 1994

Skaggs, Prof. James,, Metropolitan Wichita: Past, Present & Future, Wichita State University, ca.1975

Sunflower Journeys, various episodes, video magazine of Kansas history, 1995-2004, KPTS-TV (PBS), Wichita, KS

Taylor, Richard, I Love Kansas:  History Made, History Remembered, 2001, Leathers/Squire, Leawood, KS

...and decades of personal experience and direct observation throughout Wichita and Kansas (including extensive involvement with the Kansas aviation industry and its people).


In addition, this author's online and print articles have been researched through direct discussion with people involved with the companies, aircraft and issues in question.  This includes executives, engineers, marketing personnel, manufacturing personnel, pilots (test pilots, private pilots, combat pilots, airline pilots, flight instructors, bush pilots, astronauts, and more), mechanics, line crews, and industry analysts.   Further, research for this work has included careful review of over 2,500 periodical articles -- including over 500 first-person aircraft flight reports -- studied and recorded over the last twelve years.

Further, the author has examined and/or boarded many of the aircraft (over 100), and worked on, or ridden in -- even flown -- several of the aircraft (dozens), and has even worked for some of their manufacturers, dealers and operators, in a wide range of activities -- from planning, marketing and administration, to engineering, production and technical support. 

Additional material has been gleaned from aviation company documents (newsletters, bulletins, press releases, financial reports, production data, photos, advertising, aircraft manuals, technical drawings and service documents -- hundreds on file in my library alone), and company websites,  and from other selected, high-quality aviation websites -- including those of major organizations (NASA, FAA, NTSB, U.S. military, NAA/FAI, AIAA, EAA, AOPA, NBAA, ATA, Jane's, NAHF, Centennial of Flight Commission, National Air Tour, 99's, Women in Aviation, Int'l, etc), owner groups for specific aircraft (e.g.: Cessna Owners' Organization, American Bonanza Society, Short-Wing Piper Club.), and major or special-interest aviation museums (e.g. NASM, Air Force Museum, Waco Museum, Hiller Museum) and others.
